Saturday, March 6, 2010

Human Plot

All the humans were missing today, where were they, we found out, they were taking high tea, at a nice hotel with LOTS of chocolate.

Why could they not take us. we would have behaved, we is quite miffed to miss out.

Bertie and Olivers Humans were there.

Sasha's human was there & our Human  was there.

There was even a human baby there & she got a toy!!!  why were we not there.

Apparently it was Sasha's humans birthday or some such trivial event.
Don't think you are leaving us out again humans.

This is not on. All puppies n kitties beware of unexplained absences.

And you ate the bloody lot !!!!

1 comment:

  1. SO unfair you didn't get anything - not even a doggie, erm, we mean a kitty bag brought back for you! Humans - humph! They celebrate the smallest little thing....! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
